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Syria has become a major producer of the amphetamine drug Captagon, which is sold in Russia, Egypt, and the Middle East, with most of it landing in Saudi Arabia. The drug is heavily used by terrorist groups such as Islamic State, Al Qaeda, and the Wagner group. The production and distribution of Captagon has become the main source of income for Syria, and the distribution has expanded to Africa. The terrorist groups rely on the drug to go to war and commit atrocious crimes against civilians. They also use propaganda and smart videos to recruit members with promises of money.

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По информации Der Spiegel, Германия согласилась передать Украине боевые танки Leopard 2. Берлин согласился поставить Киеву по крайней мере одну танковую роту, состоящую из 14 танков, а также разрешил своим союзникам передавать немецкие танки в Киев. Решение было принято после интенсивных обсуждений с правительственными партнерами Германского канцлера Олафа Шольца.

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Garry Kasparov accuses Carlson of dehumanizing Ukraine and Zelensky to justify ongoing Russian atrocities, comparing it to supporting the Nazis after the discovery of Auschwitz. Kasparov's statement is available in multiple languages.

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